Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Is there anyone here on AU that runs an org to help homeless vets?
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Are you ready for Honkamania brudder? People do not think, they LARP as free thinkers though. Full Offense is a go
No offense but the V.A is one of the biggest money pits in the U.S. not to mention they do NOT GiVE A FUCK about veterans
Only followers of this user (@CamdenBeach) can see their posts

Are you ready for Honkamania brudder? People do not think, they LARP as free thinkers though. Full Offense is a go
Not just my experience. I truly meant no offense. Some have different experiences. sure. Let us just say going through an intensive In/out patient drug rehab program gave some first hand knowledge of how homeless vets are treated..
Who is responsible for multi-million dollar statues to look at while vets get turned away for (insert reason here policy)..
Who made most of them addicts? Secret mandates to Essentially wipe us out slowly? The meds prescribed were from whom? Refusal to admit many have any disability? Oh it wasn't the first attempt at this either. I have seen some fkt up shit and have witnessed first hand the stories and the folks that do not get mentioned ever...
Again no offense meant. I try to make folks aware not every vet gets same treatment and the only thing most think is our vets are taken care of. Go read the stories of how the V.A. helps none on "Code of Vets" Gretchen should not have to be taking up this much slack.
22 a day..
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