✨ Christian. Patriot. PureBlood. ✨
This is a literal truth MOST Patriots are missing, maybe because of a lack of spiritual understanding or a lack of belief in God in the first place but IGNORANCE is no excuse in this case we are literally prolonging our own impatience, worry and misunderstandings of the plan by acting like little babies instead of grown ups!
Those in this state begin to complain about it taking so long but those of us who have been AWAKE for 25 years plus know and understand the enormity of our War those who are new to it don't.
👉Have you heard the term "the CALM before the storm"? Well try to see this a different way YOU are the 'Calm' that needs to happen BEFORE the storm ENDS and we see results, the ones we can't see now, BUT ARE HAPPENING!👈
There are literal traitors among us leading the weak minded AWAY FROM THEIR AWAKENING...this message of CALM needs to be preached religiously everywhere don't give up, give in or turn coat WE ARE AT THE VERY END OF IT ALL....be patient gain CALM!