What made you snap out?

Losing my grandpa a month before on Good Friday hurt me so much, i woke up to the lies. I became really sick from bells palsy and then my vax damage from gardasil, as a university student i knew how to research properly, it backfired on them and i found out the truth and lost all faith and trust in the med industry and then the gvt for using me and lying to me.
My grandpa was a victim to big pharma. He worked for the ontario gvt treasury since he was 18, retired, got sick instantly. had a double lung transplant and 10 years in he got really sick so fast with all kinds of cancer, it was from the anti rejection drug cellcept. He miraculously got better from prayers in the hospital but they hit him with Remdesivir in front of me when he was having a conversation looking at me saying he waa starting to feel some pain, and then he went dozy, breathed weird & he died within hours. it was pneumonia. coincidence? I still cant believe this happened. My life since 2019 has been a BLUR !!!

thank you♥️🙏
hard times make a strong warrior