What a great idea! 🤮

Take a vaccine that can see into the future and already include protection against strains of a virus that don’t exist!

The WEF will come up with anything in order to jab you!


Only people mentioned by @Exnavypatriot in this post can reply

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops

In response John Hewitt to his Publication

How did we survive up to only 80 yrs ago with no miracle jabs?
this should be the question for each person involved with medical
tyranny--they get 3 seconds for correct answer or hung until dead

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.

In response Truth Hunter to his Publication


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In response John Hewitt to his Publication

They can jab their own FAT asses, as much as they want.😬
But leave me alone! 🤬

Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.

In response John Hewitt to his Publication

WE are the virus they want to eliminate.

In response UM EK17 Q1111 to his Publication

Never forget: We ARE great human beings with wonderful souls!
Just [they] perceiving us as "the virus" they want to eliminate.
And [they] are pure evil. They just want it all for themselves.

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