Chrome Extension that translates highlighted text to Gematria

// create a new chrome extension
var GematriaTranslate = {
// when the extension is installed or updated
onInstalled: function() {
// add a context menu item that will only appear when text is highlighted
id: "gematria-translate",
title: "Translate to Gematria",
contexts: ["selection"]

// when a context menu item is clicked
onClicked: function(info, tab) {
// get the highlighted text
var text = info.selectionText;

// perform the Gematria translation
var gematria = this.translateToGematria(text);

// display the translated text to the user

..... continued ....

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// perform the Gematria translation
translateToGematria: function(text) {
// the Gematria translation is a simple substitution cipher, where each letter
// is replaced by its corresponding numerical value
var gematria = "";
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var c = text.charCodeAt(i);
// only translate letters, ignore numbers and special characters
if (c >= 97 && c = 65 && c