How to scrape FB group data and store in Google Sheets
# Import the necessary libraries
import facebook
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
# Set up the Facebook API client
fb_access_token = "YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"
fb_client = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token=fb_access_token, version="3.1")
# Set up the Google Sheets API client
scope = ["", ""]
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("client_secret.json", scope)
gs_client = gspread.authorize(creds)
# Open the Google Sheets spreadsheet
spreadsheet ="Facebook Group Posts and Comments")
.... continued .....
# Get the latest posts and comments from the Facebook group
fb_posts = fb_client.get_object(id="GROUP_ID/feed")
fb_comments = fb_client.get_object(id="GROUP_ID/comments")
# Add the posts and comments data to the Google Sheets spreadsheet
worksheet = spreadsheet.add_worksheet(title="Facebook Posts and Comments", rows=len(fb_posts["data"]), cols=2)
worksheet.update_cell(1, 1, "Post")
worksheet.update_cell(1, 2, "Comments")
for i, post in enumerate(fb_posts["data"]):
worksheet.update_cell(i + 2, 1, post["message"])
worksheet.update_cell(i + 2, 2, fb_comments["data"][i]["message"])