#ULTRA-MAGA, Retired Navy and Patriot. The oath never expires as long as I'm alive. https://t.me/NakedMinotaur
This fits.
Anons are brash and unruly. Our memes are dank and disturbing. Many memes are hyperbola with scant sources. We are easy to dismiss by people who think they are smart, educated, discerning, and are proud of not falling for wacky theories. Information must slip past this indoctrination and plant a seed.
Bari Weiss is effectively getting the message out in bite sized chunks to the moderate middle. Young and middle aged professionals (and a double handful of awesome tech literate grandmothers) who get their news from SM rather than TV. It's a quiet way to soft declass but it is absolutely necessary that people be receptive to the possibility that the DNC was collaborating with big tech.
We've had 2 years for people to begin to dislike Biden, the crony DNC circle, and do nothing rinos. Now that they are ready to hear ugly gossip, they will believe it to be likely. (Its sad people are so biased with their judgements but most are still living in high school.)
Why thank you...I'm a tech literate grandmother LOL