We share very few sentiments with our government.
If the "White Hats" are waiting for the rest of Americans to WAKE TF UP before they take any action, we will be waiting FOREVER. The ONLY way we're going to be able to wake up these people is the FCC is going to have to take away the licenses from MSM and allow the White Hats to use these airwaves to broadcast the truth. The longer we piddle around, the more MAGA momentum we lose and the more the commies take hold. LET'S F$CKING GO ALREADY!!! Repost if you agree!
Yep, enough people know there was fraud , enough people know the democratic party is a bunch of worthless corrupt pedophiles, and enough of us are sick and fking tired of waiting . There is enough data to put these people down for good . If stuff does not happen by March 4th it will be time to rise and fight back.