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Count 1]We officially charge GEORGE SOROS of being the grand mastermind behind one of America’s worst atrocities. Your honors must note that he planned, staged and executed every part of the cover-up as it pertains to URANIUM ONE and the nine eleven incident. We charge he violated 18 U.S.C § 2381 fifteen times. . SOROS publicly and proudly committed capital treason on record, an offense that carries the highest afforded death penalty sanctions.

His passport is now seized. We order that GEORGE SOROS be executed twice by firing squad before a live television audience.

In an interview a few years ago, Soros clained he pretended to be a Christian to save himself during the HOLOCAUST while he litterally watched his family members and friends, he was only 14 yrs old, get hauled away to Auschwitz camps. He also added that he managed to not shed a tear and that you do what you have to do to survive. So now this psychopath who obviously suffered from PTSD insists that only making money matters to him. Our world has been run by Psychopaths.

In response Tim Larlee to his Publication

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