EO their clothing soft kill places, and replace it with hemp products, just kick them the fk on out and take it over. I also could go into extremely copious amounts of detail on this.
"i also could go into copious amounts of information on this" Yes. Will you, pretty please? I love your perspective on things but I never get enough detail to suit me. I would love some extremely deatailed descriptions of your opinion on the facts as you know them and the foundation you built them on. In an information war I doubt any amount of truth being to much information war. I will check back later today/tomorrow and see if you will be so gracious to take me up on my request to do some really good detailed information shares. I can guarantee you one interested reader and I am sure others are interested to. Have a great day and I look forward to reading your posts.
Even flip flops, was told they know our bodies absorb them toxins, hence bs like country songs bout flip flops, the whole thing is devious against us....even dive suits, could be made of hemp.