On top of that Twitter is literally the only platform where my friends see what I post, I have none to almost no engagement on any other platform, I seriously am annoyed by the fact that my life is constantly being ruined! My very first Twitter account was all about game streaming on Twitch and then I started activating and fought for the cause, which killed my account... I am sick and tired of constantly losing it all again, again and again...
Even AnonUp nobody ever sees what I post and I am just so fricking depressed about it all! I want my account on Twitter back! I have had it with the constant suspensions! I though we all fight together, It doesn't even seem as if anybody ever misses me here or anywhere else. What am I fighting for when nobody ever asks, where is Tanja, or where is Flickaboo??? I am just very sad right now... Elon is at Twitter, the bad apples were fired and yet I get suspended for ban evasion??? NOW?Q Seriously?!
I just want to say it’s great that despite everything, you’re still fighting for what you believe in. Sometimes the struggle gets heavy, but those are the moments where our true colors shine
You mentioned that you don’t feel like you’re seen, that’s something I have some experience with. Not just on social media, but in real life too. But I realized something. Life is a lot like a big pond. Our job is to make ripples in that pond. It’s not about the number of people those ripples touch, it’s about the effect those ripples have. For example, Person A has a barely noticeable effect on 1,000 people. Person B has a massive effect on 1 person. Which is more valuable? Well, what if that 1 person goes on to do the same to 1 or 2 other people? Next thing you know, you’ve got a chain reaction and you’re the person that pushed that first domino (even if you can’t see the rest of those dominoes fall). I guess the moral of that story is quality>quantity. Hope that helps