Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
Thinking about the timing of this post.
Although Q has mentioned Vaccines in prior posts, this is the 1st time to mention DNA.
Since the post I've been thinking
Do the cv19 jabs really modify DNA? Wouldn't Q have given prior warning?
Do the cv19 jabs target certain people via DNA?
Anons on 8K have similar questions.
Your question about targeting certain people reminds me of the bio lab found in Ukraine that was creating a bioweapon tailored to attack Russian soldiers. I think they found Russian soldier DNA- info there. (I read about it at the beginning of the conflict. March 2021?) We keep seeing people of military age dying from heart related issues. It would stand to reason that they are targeting anyone that could fight back physically outside and inside our own military.
i remember reading about Zelensky making bio weapons to spesific take out russian dna🔎