... My view of all of this is the view of a lawyer and regular guy just fighting for freedom. I understand and have background in the science but am not a scientist and cannot pretend to be at the level of many of the people I’ve been privileged to work with. What I am good at is digging out underlying truths and detecting BS (I apologize for the language). With all that said, I am fighting and fighting to win. If we look at this movie in terms of the fight, the question is, does this help or hurt?
Died Suddenly - Infighting and Common Sense - by Tom Renz
I think Died Suddenly is one of the most important films to come out since COVID has started. Full disclosure, I had nothing to do with its production, did not know I’d make an appearance, and get nothing from it. Not only do I get nothing from the movie, the fact that it has been absolutely viral m..