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Over the last decade, many researchers have explored the use of nanoparticles in the construction industry to produce cement-based materials with superior properties.
Adding metal oxide nanoparticles to cement reduces its permeability to ions, increasing its strength and durability (Al-Rifaie & Ahmed, 2016).

Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) are nanoscale particles (diameter 1–100 nm) that exhibit photon upconversion. In photon upconversion, two or more incident photons of relatively low energy are absorbed and converted into one emitted photon with higher energy.

ha I get it now ...

The Sagnac effect of a beam splitting through a (forked/forced) waveguide of a ring (encapsulated within a nanoparticle) creating two rotations (standing waves) of electromagnetic light (photon/phonons) taking in (absorbsion/attenuation) a packet of light and creating another light/electron transfer/+- Oxygen... quantum tunnelling with the right size (wavelengh size tunable) frequency resonating through a band gap causing quantum confinement (squeezing a crytal creating piezoelectricty (photon upconversion) 😔👉🏻from ground zero.
God bless

Sound cannons, also known as Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) or sound bombs, are acoustic weapons often used as a crowd control tactic. 25 Nov 2014

sonic boom
a loud explosive noise caused by the shock wave from an aircraft or other object travelling faster than the speed of sound.

Phased array ultrasonics is an advanced method of ultrasonic testing that has applications in medical imaging and industrial nondestructive testing. Common applications are to noninvasively examine the heart or to find flaws in manufactured materials such as welds.

gerund or present participle: welding
join together (metal parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting with a blowpipe, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc.
"steel plates were being welded"


a ringing noise

a tone

suddenly the building shook...


a shockwave.
In fluid dynamics, a Mach wave is a pressure wave traveling with the speed of sound caused by a slight change of pressure added to a compressible flow. These weak waves can combine in supersonic flow to become a shock wave if sufficient Mach waves are present at any location. Such a shock wave is called a Mach stem or Mach front.