The day the World stood still..
I wasn’t even a thought when the President was assassinated. However, my father would tell me, every single person globally knew exactly where they were standing, the day JFK was shot. He always said, he just wanted to live long enough, to see who murdered him. He thought it was the US government. He died at 66. So I grew up admiring a man, I never knew. Man would he blown away to see where we are in this moment.
RIP Mr. President. 🙏❤️

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
I was 12 when this happened. We were in school (7th grade) an announcement came over the intercom . Everyone cried . we were immediately sent home . It was on t.v. for days . everyone was glued to the t..v. in shock . I will remember that day forever . We saw the lies . Lee Harvey Oswald was suppose to be the lone shooter . then why did Jack Ruby kill him quickly . to shut Lee up . George had a lot to do with it . he said he wasn't there . Barbara said he was . Johnson was part of it . So many involved.

I will always stand by President Trump # Looking forward to a better day God, family, friends
You are right. I was young but I remember exactly where I was. They brought a tv into our classroom.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
He told me here in Canada, people were lined up viewing TV’s sobbing like babes, no matter where you went. 😞

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
God Speed Mr. President!