I saved this post and replies. I have a lot to go through yet. But this is a start. I just can't stand the unbelievable amount of censorship on TS. Next they'll be removing accounts that have the most censored posts. Without even reading what they've censored, I'll bet they just start banning people based on how many censored posts they have. And all because that place is HIGHLY censorship happy. They did not want to make enemies with me. But they're Hillary supporters in Trump's camp. Running Trump's site. I know when I'm being targeted. I know abuse when I see it. They even have bots that look like MAGA but are far from it. I think E knows this too. There's a reason he's not there.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
And here's another thing, I know I "liked" all the Chillbite replies to me in that post. But TS took away my likes. They also unfollow people from me all the time, and a couple of them had to re-follow me. TS is a Twatzi clone! The shit like taking people's likes away and followers away is intentional.

I had to go back several times to "relike" your posts as well on TS. That place is going down or already is actually...
What a shame...