ARE THESE some of the "rope worms" no one is poopin out but they ARE>
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
I'll just bet these disgusting things and others like them are responsible for many more health problems then we've even considered. We know about the cancer link, but what about chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart disease, memory loss, etc. For instance, dogs get heartworms which are deadly; yet they never considered that people could get them too?
Much we don't know, but dots are connecting rapidly!
They call those who suffer with oral problems "HOSTS" to WHAT MOTHERFUCKERS> YEP exactly. I was like wait a fkin minute.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Yes, because they would be in the blood and lymphatic system to spread to the whole body. That means they'd be in the gums too, in the blood supplying the teeth. It's no wonder most people over 60 have no teeth anymore. Dental industry -- another racket ☠️