FAMILY is all in your heart. GOD IS ALMIGHTY IN ALL. MY "TIME" HAS COME NOW. A Texan by state. Member since 2021
💥💥💥is there a way that you could post a link to this? i would like to share...i am a Texan. thanQ.

WWG1WGA, TRUMP2020+ Proud Army Colonel's Daughter, LOVE GOD, My Family and My Country!
Can't wait to watch this part ofthe movie when they are put behind bars or a firing squad!

Q 5:5 Trump will be my president forever. TWAT booted Jan 8th 2021 WWG1WGA Love you all AU
I do not know what you are referring to. Oh you will!!!!

We share very few sentiments with our government.
Clay Higgins appears to be a bad ass. If this isn't an act of some kind, DJT should make HIM AG. An OG as an AG. I like how he cut right through the BS, including that of the chairman, who was doing the classic stall to waste the (ridiculous) time limit.

Just a patriot who is holding the line and waiting somewhat patiently!
Is that a rubber mask I see?

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.
This is amazing! I wish there was this kind of tenacity, intelligence, and fearlessness within more of the Republican party! I am so tired of the regurgitated fake talking points and RINOs! We need more leaders like Clay Higgins!

Serving Jesus, minister of the Kingdom, pursuing the Greater Awakening, MAGA, WWG1WGA, 2nd A, Is 60 and Hab 2:14! I'LL FOLLOW BACK
Clay Higgins needs to be the chairman of this committee.

Serving Jesus, minister of the Kingdom, pursuing the Greater Awakening, MAGA, WWG1WGA, 2nd A, Is 60 and Hab 2:14! I'LL FOLLOW BACK
Clay Higgins needs to be the chairman of this committee.

Serving Jesus, minister of the Kingdom, pursuing the Greater Awakening, MAGA, WWG1WGA, 2nd A, Is 60 and Hab 2:14! I'LL FOLLOW BACK
Clay Higgins needs to be the chairman of this committee.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana wants to see these corrupt ass Rinos squirming too.
OOPSY, insurance policy Lindsey Graham wont be included in the House procedings to block the truth from coming out.
What are the corrupt Republicans in the House gonna do about the truth coming out?
Which ones have control over committees?
Not gonna be able to block it this time?
What about Kevin McCarthy?
Clean or dirty?
Sure haven't seen him on TV demanding the truth be shown on the fraudulent elections.
This is my new gage, which Republicans are standing up to get to the bottom of the corruption in the last 2 elections?

Looking forward to The Best is yet to come. Holding the line

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
Zoom in, 6 front teeth (theater prop) and deep set eyeballs = silicon masks. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Enjoy the show!

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.

Re what? Would you actually know respect if it was ever showed to you? I think not so we will pass on that.

this is AMAZING

We are only here to save the world. Fight like your life depends on it..it does. MAGA. He is STILL your president. L Case
“you will”

Well that was good.


Need to go back and watch this again; but this time with popcorn and a brew party!

Kiwi. Truther ,Like Trump, WWG1WGA
oh he know how to talk their🤡 talk, hes a Pitbull , that was entertaining😁

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
i love this fire🔥🔥🔥 let them squirm, and they better enjoy the squirm cause they gonna be so squeezed, gonna be nothin’ left of their fookin’ poo

Just an author trying to get God's inspiration close to right...patriot...Jesus is the King and The Light of the world, my everything.
Is that a real congress critter or Mickey Rourke?
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Spreader of truth, love & light. Sprinkle that shit everywhere.
Sooooo much winning

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
I don't even know! he says and he says you will omgoodness too funny nail em

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Glory to God! Red pilled and full armor of God is strapped on. I do not consent to any evil plans.
Now that was fun!

Only followers of this user (@SunCrystal369) can see their posts

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
👁👁👀& 🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷👀 A silicon mask with 6 fake front teeth in front of the real teeth, deep set eyeballs. Yes, definitely 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😄
Only followers of this user (@SunCrystal369) can see their posts

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
the fucking minds games!!!!!!!!
see tou on Jan 3 asshole!!!