“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
Quick Summary of the week so far
Gov Abbot sends the military to the Southern border
5.4 Earthquake on the border at El Paso/Ciudad Juarez
FoxNews reporting today Hunter Biden tied to human trafficking
House Republicans just announce investigation into Joe Biden
Nope, nothing is happening, nothing to see here

Are you ready for Honkamania brudder? People do not think, they LARP as free thinkers though. Full Offense is a go
it is my opinion that there is not enough going on to make much difference in this lil information war. i can show stuff from few yrs ago "see? stuff babbenin" problem is, nothing obvious is ever happening. something that makes all normies see it. judicial watch has mounds of evidence by themselves yet no "big" asshole has so much as a parking ticket.
we known about hunter for yrs, along with Pelosi son and others. they still out and free.
so imho, no there really nothing to see here

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
It is all about the children….until the last of the DUMBS are taken out we fight and hold the line or cry like little babies from the comfort of home with a full belly and paid for electronic device in our hand. I know where I stand

Are you ready for Honkamania brudder? People do not think, they LARP as free thinkers though. Full Offense is a go
so where is the children stories being plastered everywhere? i know where big talkers stand too.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
covert military operation Won’t find it in the fake news. Faith in God works for those who cannot see from 40,000ft
now you're preaching? you do you fren. i have herd it all in the last 6 yrs or so.
some folks dont get excited for scraps of news to suck on while being fucked around at every other turn. some are content puting out a list of what seems rando events to normies. its like you're trying to wake me or something. funny thing is, i do not pretend to know what "the plan" is. i do know i put up with less bs than the average person. pisses me off. as it should for everyone. complacency kills. why vk have apl level? to show how happy we should be?
another hard talker it would seem.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
says the coward hiding behind the clown face lol
Meet someone hiding in fear behind a clown pfp expect a cirucus 🤡

Are you ready for Honkamania brudder? People do not think, they LARP as free thinkers though. Full Offense is a go
so unless i show my face im hiding?
normies are adorable when they get flustered. tell me more oh great and all knowing one. .
you know how many spooks ive dealt with over the yrs who use the exact same argument? you talk like this on the chans too?