Question: For all those people in the 'movie' as body dbls wearing very convincing (mostly) masks, how in the heck does the voice part work? body doubles for dummies -101, I don't understand that part.
CGI, but also have you ever seen this one voice over actor that sounds EXACTLY like Tom Hanks? There are many who can do impressions and you would never know the difference.
Truth speaking requires strength and discernment. You've lost your edge when name calling and insults enter the conversation.
I can't buy the body double theory. I think they may have doubles, like in the movies, stand in now and then for appearances, but not as in full time.
I've had the very same thought and no one has yet been able to explain. I understand for television or movies that it's definietely doable, but as far as in-person goes I don't understand how it can be done.
Just trying to learn the truth about what’s to come. Want to live out rest of my life enjoying my grandchild and family in peace.
I would like to know that also. Confusing.