⚠️In a study of 12 face masks, every mask contained cancer causing compound particles in at least one layer.
🔗Source (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-06605-w.pdf)
Thanks for sharing, and for including the source.
In summary:
- TiO2 is used in face masks, supposedly to improve stability in ultraviolet light
- TiO2 is a known and classified carcinogen when inhaled
- Whether you end up inhaling TiO2 from the mask is very hard to measure, but the estimates aren't looking good
- The conclusion is a recommendation to reduce/remove TiO2 from masks just in case and regulate certain material groups more strictly
- Face masks still recommended
In particular, note this sentence:
"So far, no data are avail-
able that indicate that the possible risk associated with the presence of TiO2 particles in face masks outweighs
the benefits of wearing face masks as protection measure. That is why we do not call for people to stop wearing
face masks"