#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Have to give Trump crazy respect. Others would have jumped ship. Much easier to Pay2Play. His actions prove love of country. Love of us.
Patriot Unity is key moving forward.
What happens next?... 2023
you do know even the true patriots are hanging by a thread.........
there is no unified message
no unified plan (that is public) - except Q which may or may not have some valid intel......
Politics is old and boring and insanely corrupt that's what we know for sure......... Q tried to revitalize interest. Unless this s.h.i.t.s.h._.w ends soon - there will be no unified anything.
People gaslight you if you question "their" narrative... they pick fights... they are horrible.... people can't survive under this level of abuse for taking a stand forever......... I mean emotionally, spiritually, physically, psychologically.. it is abuse at the absolute highest level.
WE NEED absolute WIN!

Stop looking at politics and start looking to God. That's where the hope and unity are.

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
politicians hold power..............
.................... I have looked to GOD constantly and ALWAYS am and always WILL...........
................ but saying looking here not there... is like saying - drive to work but don't see the sunrise....... you can't NOT see it.
You can't not feel it.
It affects everything we do including my ability to literally get to work............ I can't afford $12/gal gas - or a $300 grocery bill every week........... there is no backup...
How many more homeless has Biden added to the population.
People think this political game is a joke and it's not it's HURTING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLD WIDE.....
EVERYTHING is gaslighting.