Prove me wrong. So Trump announced his run for 2024. Does this change anything? Election will be corrupt in 2024 same as 2022, 2020 and before. Nothing has changed. The normies still believe in the vax. The normies still believe what the media tell them. Have we been lied to, pacified to keep us complacent? All this Q talk of change is nothing but talk. Tell me i am wrong and convince me. I hope i am wrong.

Ya, you're wrong.
He never mentionned 2024 for one.
Nor did he specify which presidency he was running for.

Looks like he filed for 2024 so your assumption was correct.
But something is still off I think.
coming on the heels of the red ripple, this BIG announcement was, again, no surprise. touted as the most important event EVER. again, we were led to believe something momentous was to be announced. weary of this game where we are continually disappointed. my view may be colored by the fact that i lost my brother last month to SADS. i tried to warn him, to no avail, about the media lies, the big pharma lies, but it seems i have no voice nor influence with my loved ones.
i am putting my trust in the Lord. Mankind seems to be on a path that leads nowhere.

That's very sad, my condoleances š
I think I'll be joining the mourning club soon as all my family was vaxxed multiple times. I tried to warn them.
What Trump just did was optics, the white-hats know that the electoral system is broken and that the people who could have fixed it did nothing and where fully aware. Totally failing their duty to have fair elections as required by the constitution.
So I don't believe that they expect to win in 2024 or that it would make a difference, not under this system.
I think that this move had many benefits, I'll list them in a follow-up comment

- it's very uncommon to arrest presidential candidates, banana-republics do this and they won't be able to risk being attached that tag.
- by participating in the system, it's hardly possible to then claim that Trump "sabotaged" this system. So if the military kicks in, Trump will have the proper optics and say: "But wait! I was itching to win this election! What's happening here?"
- We are vastly awake and we are not the "target" of this information war, we are participants. The target, sadly, is the normies that are asleep, if you imagine yourself in ther position, the only thing that can congeal is "running for president". Trump can't just spew red-pills and freak them out, that would repulse them and that's not good.
- it provides a huge cover to perform other shadowy actions in the background, that cover will last a long time too
- it adds another "narrative front" for the Cabal to tackle, this will put pressure on them.
- it doesn't hinder any other strategy
- etc