Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Churches claim that their leaders receive revelation from God right?
Well where in the fook was the revelations of the past decades and centuries of corruption, satanism ans pure evil within our very own government?
The silence says everything.
There’s zero revelation. All there is, is the same shit different day: “Be a good person, read the scriptures, say your prayers, be like Jesus...”
We’re now realizing all the important stuff is what they DON’T SAY. The hush-hush stuff. The stuff that might offend others.
Churches are going down and it ain’t gonna be pretty!
Churches have been infiltrated and invaded by the same money hungry masonic morons and pedophiles as the governments, intel agencies, education, media, business...they all fall down. Jesus still lives and God wins
