Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Churches claim that their leaders receive revelation from God right?
Well where in the fook was the revelations of the past decades and centuries of corruption, satanism ans pure evil within our very own government?
The silence says everything.
There’s zero revelation. All there is, is the same shit different day: “Be a good person, read the scriptures, say your prayers, be like Jesus...”
We’re now realizing all the important stuff is what they DON’T SAY. The hush-hush stuff. The stuff that might offend others.
Churches are going down and it ain’t gonna be pretty!
You're not listening to the same voices I am. Try Kent Christmas, Robin D Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Timothy Dixon, Dutch and Tim Sheets, Amanda Grace, Julie Green, and many more. Those with large platforms have sold out the church in much the same way the GOP sold out the country. Look for churches that can't be contained in a building. That's where you will find faith.

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
Everyone had better slow their roll! "Be not deceived, whatever a man sows that will he also reap!" My Daddy told us, "Pay Day, Some Day!.. If not in this life, THEN in the one to come!"

South African born currently living on the island of Malta and i love the Lord Jesus
Amanda grace julie green hank robin ….. all dish hopium and are 501c3.

Lover of my God, My Jesus, My Holy Spirit, my family and my country
Okay...You want the wrath of God on your head? Take it...as for me, I know what the scrpitures say "Touch thou NOT my Anointed and do my Prophets no harm". NOWHERE in the scriptures does it say that faith organizations MUST give all their money to the poor and walk around with nothing. "Beloved, I wish above all things that you PROSPER and be of good health". I really don't care what their tax status is. It's none of my business. Amanda Grace was a financial advisor previously to opening her animal sanctuary and freely admits she is a 501c because it makes the most sense for her ministry legally and financially. The church made you believe poverty was a condition of "holiness", BUT CHRIST DIDN'T.
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Lover of my God, My Jesus, My Holy Spirit, my family and my country
All I know is that if God tells a man it will rain fish, and it happens, He's got my attention. God knows men's hearts. He is the ultimate judge.