I got 2 TV EAS tests within an hour tonight. Anybody else. Name your state. Tests are for the TV so if you don't have the TV on you won't know. Live EAS will be both cellular and television. If you are in another country and are worrying about the live one, no worries there's Space Force you'll get one too.
Formally known as 1RedCracker, God Lovin’ Bible toting, Gun slinging, Crusader of Truth! I support DJT! Navy Vet~Not looking for Love 💕
what part of tn i live in cleveland which os close to Chattanooga
Formally known as 1RedCracker, God Lovin’ Bible toting, Gun slinging, Crusader of Truth! I support DJT! Navy Vet~Not looking for Love 💕
Im Franklin County, hey we are neighbors your about 1 hour from me!