I've been to several dentist's offices lately 🤬
[can't wait for Med Beds, Ascension, SOMETHING!!]
& in one of the offices
they INSISTED I wear one of these blue hospital masks.
I hadn't thought to bring a cotton mask with me
cuz you know, I'm so over it & this is a dentist's office!!!
For the record, I own 2-cotton masks that I wore
ONLY if absolutely unavoidably necessary
& only for 3 or 4 minutes at a time
maybe 20 times in nearly 3-years.
[March 2020 lockdowns began...]
👇 Did you know?
Couple of months ago I went into a dentist office to get a crown put on. $1100. The dentist walks in with a mask on. I knew at this point this gold digger was never gonna get a dime from me. If med beds are real I'll wait for them otherwise this tooth is gonna need to be pulled and I hate the thought of doing that. Also you cant get a regular teeth cleaning any more. No. you need the deep cleaning which is $900.00 F♤ck you