I've been to several dentist's offices lately 🤬
[can't wait for Med Beds, Ascension, SOMETHING!!]
& in one of the offices
they INSISTED I wear one of these blue hospital masks.
I hadn't thought to bring a cotton mask with me
cuz you know, I'm so over it & this is a dentist's office!!!
For the record, I own 2-cotton masks that I wore
ONLY if absolutely unavoidably necessary
& only for 3 or 4 minutes at a time
maybe 20 times in nearly 3-years.
[March 2020 lockdowns began...]
👇 Did you know?
my dentist's office is optional hes not worried about it he doesn't want anyone to get an infection from the damn things .. i just got 4mm of my bottom bone cut out on my lower jaw removed to make room for dentures Monday ( got head-butted by a cow yr or so ago) turns out that you can become immune to the numbing shots while this process is going on ugg painful .. and I'm not one who can take the pain meds either ugg I've been so sick but I did get up and go vote the next day ive had a crazy wk but im not giving up on this fight
I'm so sorry POCO T.
I can relate.
I've got major dental work ahead of me.
Praying miraculous Tech will be released THIS YEAR
for both of us & ALL! 🙏😻