Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Just so you know, before Nana was attacked by the long tail reptilian about 4 yrs ago, the word Annunaki had never crossed my lips and I had never heard of it.
This attack was my first contact out of the blue in what I thought was a seemingly normal life filled with regular stuff & grandkids.
The night I had someone loudly whisper the name Enlil in my ear, (when there was not anyone visibly there to see), was the first time I had ever heard that name as well.
The next day is when I started research on the name Enlil and discovered the Annunaki history.
Had it not been for my NDE yrs before I would have totally freaked the hell out & came close even then because when the long tail would attack me at night I could see flashes of him visibly like some sort of hologram flashing in & out. By attacked I mean awakened & thrown around like a rag doll, from a sound sleep with no one there to visibly see.
I was praying hard for God to....
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Banned from Twitter on the same day as President Donald J. Trump...A Conspiracy Enthusiast...WWG1WGA Q 17 Trump 19 God bless America! NCSWIC
Wow! He never said anything until now??? Did he say why?
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Banned from Twitter on the same day as President Donald J. Trump...A Conspiracy Enthusiast...WWG1WGA Q 17 Trump 19 God bless America! NCSWIC
Well sounds to me like he as some type of demonic attachment...I would call in a professional exorcist on this one...Maybe it's just in the room/house but it may be attached to him...Don't play around with this any more I would go for the whole thing...Maybe call a priest to have him come and bless the house annoint it in oil first see what he thinks? Just a suggestion or two ;) Good luck! JVBanon
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We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband
I will keep him and you in my prayers. I am sorry that he is having nightmares now. God bless.
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