Someone on Telegram just debunked the rumor. Indicating that was just her regular detail people as she was leaving for work. But it sure would have been awesome had it been proven to be true. And what with all the political theater acts we've been witnessing, nothing would surprise me anymore.
French Cdn Patriot, Trump's & QRD's missions supporter, LightWarrior. Liberation of Humanity. Telegram, Truth Social, GAB. Dragon believer.
With her hands behind her back? Naaa...
French Cdn Patriot, Trump's & QRD's missions supporter, LightWarrior. Liberation of Humanity. Telegram, Truth Social, GAB. Dragon believer.
With her hands behind her back? Naaa...
I'm afraid I agree with you.
It would have been too good to be true
& on this path we know......... patience is a frickin' virtue!!! 🤣
Retired former Mktg. Comm Graphic Art. Married to Ron. Crazy for Vegas Golden Knights & Hockey pets! I love America! #SAVEAMERICA