Back from picking up some dog food, WHY is it so expensive, and they gave me a deal, I didn't ask but they did, and broke as usual paying another grown ups bills, that is a dick and rude, anyway, EIGHTY FOOKIN DOLLARS with the break.
Nana mentioned it was going up a couple weeks ago so probably good to buy an extra bag
i dont stock pile anymore because we wound up having to toss some items in pantry
my biggest concern is the story going round on Fox News about all the diesel fuel running out by Thanksgiving (?)
Wife, Mother, Patriot - wake since March 2020 - still learning!
Nana, I am worried too. For all of us. One a personal level, we have a diesel Jeep. Hubby uses it to get to work to treat patients (Chiropractor). We had planned to drive to VA from FL for Christmas but I bought airline tickets today (price is beyond crazy but anything for my kids!) because I was worried there would be no fuel available to get us there and back.
Nana is right that shit they call dog food is bout as healthy as soft kill for humans.
They do have oil conversion kits for diesel rides. WELL would have to be made for the big trucks, but littler rides that can be done.
I literally cannot understand why we don't just tell them to FK OFF< powers like the GITMOS, EO their production plants, make some modifications and start running them on hemp or water. FAR for to long they have used that against us. AND I DID hear gas lines and traffin lines go hand in hand.