#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
I am not really grasping the video, I understand it is about the feminine and masculine. My attitude is we need to get back to our true birth selves growing up and do that instinctively w/o outside influence. The mind is mold-able when young. As much as we need the femanine back we need the masculine HOWEVER ....without constraint....suffrage etc. Time for HER , so peace can be the rule. Most men want to run a business, rule over something, not protect and provide, that is why women had to step in. I am just fambling here, hope the point comes across right LOL
....and obviously I cant spell ! LOL