I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
this is my child in happier times.
I'd like her to get back to this.
Stable minded, confident, goal oriented, driven and a leader.
I'm not going to post a picture of her today.
The liberal school system did quite a number on her.
Facilitated it, even.
I'm asking for prayers.
She is lost.
Help her find the light again.
Lord I ask of you
Lift this child up and show her the way to you
She has fallen from your grace
I stand at the ready at your direction.
The sins she committed within the family structure have been forgiven
I understand fully it's going to be a long hard road
But show her the light
Shine it bright so even she can see
Our family is ready to begin the healing process.
Lord, I ask of you
Show her the way home
There is love here waiting for her
my hand and my heart is outstretched
in your name

i hope you see how so many of us have similar stories. our kids feel deeply like we do but were slowly deceived at the same time they naturally as teens pull away from us. Same as God has us, he has them too. ❤️

I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
I just got off work and am sitting in my truck reading them.
So. Many. Children. have been affected.
My word.
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.
And our Father in heaven has each and every one of them, because He’s. That. Amazing.