Only 1 Trump card necessary.
It Trumps all the others.
#46 🤩

Artist Intuitive Writer #KimClements #Esther #Seer #Qsmuze #jfkjr lives I'm his Witness we are the two witnesses
The Lords checkmate.

Right on 💓 Beautifully said Rachel 🕊️

And it has NEVER been one of mine
until the last 20 years!!! 😹💞

I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.

Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.
THAT last Trump card would be MAGNIFICENT.
VK guesstimates might be played in 2023.
Our wildest dreams become reality.
The harder the battle, the more glorious the victory.
Thanks be to God!