Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
See they are sneaky sobs, years ago they sneaked planned parenthood in under the guise of being part of the Health dept helping poor women with pregnancy issues and help with things like birth control pills, birthing classes, after baby care, and such.
Always intro with oh we are gonna help poor and minorities with something.
And they couldnt even do a good job at that. Doctor from there was the reason my twins died & almost me too.
If I had not been so young & dumb he would have never been able to doctor anyone else ever.
Just look what that turned into. You cant trust this evils for a second & read every damn word of the fine print.
That morphed into a cover for destroying the population thr abortions and this!
Anyone that does not stand in God's authority to prevent this from happening any more, in my humble opinion, will feel the wrath!
Jeffrey Steele - “Don’t Kill That Baby”
The song is by Jeffrey Steele - “Don’t Kill That Baby”
I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
When you are young and scared you need guidance not a predator which is exactly what I think PP is. It's a very LARGE predator. They prey on fear and many have succumbed to it.
I was adopted at birth after a failed abortion.
I'm one of "those" children. I'm the one who shouldn't have been here but God had a different plan for my life.
Ask any adopted child if they rather have been aborted.
Just ask them.
I've never, in my life, met an adopted child that wasn't humble and grateful for each day that they are here.
God brought me here to say NO!
No more murders.
I'm telling the world right now
I'm all grown up now...... a mother, a sister, a daughter
I would have told you that I'm so glad that I am here.
I wish to be here and nobody, not even my birthmother has/had the right to take my journey away from me.
I matter.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
I was adopted also. I have always felt DIFFERENT but...I also think I AM different..and thats ok. I may not to smart but I sure do have alot of common sense and I think that makes me smarter. My birth mom i found and she said my birth father wanted no part of a child and he took off. She already had 3 kids and couldnt afford to raise another. Knowing what I know now..she was right and I am VERY glad I had the family I had and not with her. So God had other plans for me and gave me a better family. I am thankful for that. I dont know what God has in store for me..in the future..and I hope its better than RIGHT NOW......cause right now..life sucks. the struggles, the sickness, etc.....

I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
We are all different. If God wanted us the same he would have made us copy cats of each other. I'd like to believe God experiences through us. He'd have a pretty boring time if we were all the same! Just think about it this way.....He wants to view life through your eyes, through your thoughts, through your soul. He wants you to learn, laugh and love.
Everything ebbs and flows, such as life. I'm glad you are here, big hugs! and let our voices on the subject of abortion be the voices of the children left unsaid.
We are all so very important.
Each one of us for very different reasons....but no one person more valuable than the next.