Missing my frens! Waiting for the plan to unfold!
There has been a huge rash of people needeing their appendix removed in our area. When I had surgery in June of this year, there were 3 other people in at the same time for it, plus 3 other people off work for the same at my place of monetary imprisonment where I work. Since then we have had 3 more people in just my departments alone go out for appendectomies and another just went out yesterday. WTF is up with this?
EMFs?! I know most of these people were unvaxxed. At least in terms of what we know to be vaccines.
What are they hitting us with?
Way too many to be a mere coincidence! 🧐

My sister-in-law had hers removed after her third shot.
I also recall nurses tweeting about a rise in the surgeries after the shots.
The latest research says it's where the body manufactures its own probiotics to repopulate the gut with during times of infectious attacks on the body. It's a part of our immune system.
The colon is the largest organ of the lymph system, which is the water-cleansing treatment plant for the body. Kidneys filter blood. Colon filters water. *cough keep it clean with oxy powder *cough
If the jab was designed to weaken and destroy the immune system, programming it to attack the appendix would make sense.
If the jabbed and those shed on have the replicating synthetic nanofibers, that rubbery stuff morticians are finding clogging arteries, maybe it is clogging the appendix and it gets inflamed.
At the metaphysical level, appendicitis is related to FEAR that jams the flow of joy in life.
Pray for the jabbed.

Missing my frens! Waiting for the plan to unfold!
Great info! Thank you!
If shedding truly is a thing (and I believe it is!!) we should be praying for everyone, vaxxed or not!!
Yes, mahalo.
I don't know why I assume the unjabbed are taking things like Nac and boron to ward off the shedding.
Praying for all to be immune to these synthetic nanofiber parasite bioweapons.
Giving thanks and praise to God for making this so. A new day is dawning. Humans are free.