Looks like PayPal pulled the good old switcharoo... They recently faced extreme scrutiny after updating their User Agreement to include language that would fine each violation of the AUP $2500. Paypal then backtracked to save face and said it would be removed. Now that people stopped paying attention, we can see that PayPal still includes this language. So, if you are a merchant selling MAGA hats and use PayPal to receive payments, they can essentially fine you $2500 for each transaction. If you haven't already, ditch PayPal yesterday. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full?locale.x=en_US#s4-restricted-activities https://www.paypal.com/us/legalhub/acceptableuse-full?locale.x=en_US
PayPal User Agreement - PayPal US
PayPal User Agreement provides information regarding opening and closing an account, managing funds in multiple currencies, account statement, fees, and more.