I am fighting for justice for my wife after she was killed in a corrupt hospital. Please help me in this fight.
Something is very wrong. Woke up from a nap with a 104 fever. Lungs are popping and hurts to move. Can barely breath. Eyes are on fire. Ears and nose are intermittently bleeding. I have NO IDEA what this could be. Not COVID.
Turn your shower on hot and sit in the bathroom to get the steam
Put one cool washcloth on your forehead and one on the back of your neck.
You want it right at the base of your skull to cool your head down.
Once you're breathinv better go out of the steam and outside for a minute to breathe cooler air.
After that, put some dry mustard (or even regular mustard if that's all you've got) in a doubled-up, damp paper towel. Put the paper towel on your chest with a hot water bottle over it. In about 45 min you should cough up mucus. While you're laying down, continue to keep the cool washclothes on your forehead and back of head. you may need to dampen them again to cool them off.
Rest like that.
When you're feeling a little better make yourself a cup of hot chicken broth but use a strainer or a tea ball to steep dried oregano leaves in it from your kitchen. Add turmeric if you have it, for inflammation, and a dash of cayenne as an expectorant.
oregano has strong antibiotic properties