Spiritual being having human experience. Mother. Writer/Poet. Country living. Animal Activist. Passion is Art. Avid reader. Single. GOD!!!
My son contracted a cancerous tumor last yr at the age of 16.
Tumor was behind his eye which pushed the eyeball out and to the right. Devastated.
A biopsy was ordered so they could conclude which type of treatment to use.
Biopsy blinded him for life in that eye.
So pissed off.
Was sent to Ohio for the winter while he underwent treatment daily.
We returned in March. Got MRI in June. Tumor only shrunk 1.5 millimeters. Shit!!!
I went outside of Childrens Hospital and found my own surgeon. End of June the dr went in after it. Broke a bone purposely. Used metal plate etc.
My sons eye still has not opened and its October. My kid is now facing cosmetic surgery and muscle configuration. Shit again.
Got back pathology report and they found an additional cancer inside the cancerous tumor. wth (A nightmare u don't wake up from)
Dr told us his friend had similar tumor and refused biospy due to potential blindness. 2 yrs passed and it went into brain and killed him.
My son is alive but d
Spiritual being having human experience. Mother. Writer/Poet. Country living. Animal Activist. Passion is Art. Avid reader. Single. GOD!!!
Cont'd ---Alive but damaged.
We had no choices really.
My son is mentally&emotionally affected.
He is convinced that God hates him.
And hates all children with cancer because God allowed it to happen.
U cannot imagine the quick thinking and factual defense I had to come up with to defend God. It hasn't been easy and my son will no longer attend church.
Oh my God. My heart weeps to hear what you and your son are going through.
May the truth of how our bodies HEAL (long suppressed by the Western Med/Pharmaceutical Complex) soon be revealed!
May our compassionate God give your son comfort and strength and hope!
May our compassionate God shelter both you and your son.