isn’t that how the flag is depicted on soldiers uniforms. as in- going into battle?
Am I mistaken in thinking that the AF on the end of that visible plane number....does that stand for Air Force? Just wondering!
Love GOD, Family, Country, the 1rst and 2nd Amendent
Such a beautiful plane!!! I happen to be a plane freak!
You are?!
Good to know.
it is a pretty plane + great paint job :)
Whoa......a lot of pomp for a US ..... citizen
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
This picture speaks a 1000 words
Makes tears of joy for me.
I love my president, President Trump, and I don't even know him
How can I ever Thank him for all he has done for me and my planet
Thank you so much President Trump
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