So, you guys still thinking dead donnie is coming back??? meet his body double's boss...if you ask mark warner, donnie "the chosen one" has been replaced by tulsi , the new saviour...but,wait
out of 100 rotschildians that were running this circus around the world only this clown has been left alive
so, mark looks really worried and scared now
and qtards circus continues
will never understand why qtards would surrender their sovereignty and freedom to any politician, but , it seems like they have it all, except,some grey mattaer is missing, but who needs brains ,right???
who will be the winner???
q,black sun, mark warner ??? NAH
chinese dragon families ??? NAH
but, qtards have to wake up first
is it going to happen ???
not up to me to answer that question
it all depends if the main prize for most people here is the white house or the future for their children
let's wait and see what most of the peopl