Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff

Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff
Glad you caught it, I figured you would.

I had a very awesome youth pastor when I was an older teen, he did a similar visual but also showed what happens when you pack it in with the important stuff last, it doesn't all fit nice and neat the other way around. It was a clever way to teach us young ones how to prioritize what's really important. 😊

Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff
I love that. Much can be taught in simple examples.
My favorite was how my parents taught me how to witness to people using a simple pen. They used this on mission trips to demonstrate how easy it is to accept Jesus into your heart to the people of Brazil.

Sometimes I do stuff... https://allmylinks.com/wordsandstuff
Ahhh I get you even better now. My family did a lot of missions work in Central America and Africa while I was growing up. A lot to learn from as the child in that scenario.