A 5-page memo, “An Analysis of Circumstantial Evidence
for Wuhan Labs as the Source of the Coronavirus,”
was written in military BLUF style,
meaning “bottom line up front.”
The memo states that one of 2 Wuhan labs
is the likely source of the COVID outbreak.
The 2 labs identified by the state department
are the 👉Wuhan CDC’s lab
& the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
where Shi Zhengli was known to have conducted
dangerous gain-of-function experiments on bat viruses.
The State Department’s focus on the Wuhan CDC lab
as a possible source is significant
as that facility is located only a few hundred feet
from the Huanan Seafood Market
where an already infected customer
may have caused a superspreader event in December 2019.
The WHO lead investigator of the virus’s origin,
Peter Ben Embarek,
privately told a Danish TV crew that he suspected
👉 the Wuhan CDC lab was the origin of the pandemic👈
An unlawful private agency, corporation.
As per article's of confederation, the must be an emolument to have lawful authority.
The CDC does not have an emolument, has dirty hands, is treasonous, many conflicts of interest, owns vaccines, crimes against humanity, waring on We The People.
Lets take a look at the word emolument.
Emoluments violations under brady, failing to bring forth exculpatory evidence.
Emoluments and causes of action and writs.