Whoa! What Putin and China are doing will change EVERYTHING | Redacted with Clayton Morris
China just made a HUGE announcement about its plans for Taiwan as Russia solidifies its hold over Ukraine's minerals. We are watching WW3 unfold before our eyes but it's playing out as an economic war that will change everything. The Biden administration just launched a major economic attack against China. What will China do next?
Thanks for sharing.
Biden and his demons are trying to destroy America but they will not succeed.
The dollar will not be destroyed it will revert back to constitutional currency.
Fortunately for us the White Hats are ahead of this and America will not fall.
We are all going back to metals backed currency along with Russia and China and a couple hundred other countries, and some form a Nesara type change.
Not the crap that the NWO has put out to fool ppl tho. If you think that we are just going to have millions of dollars magically put in an acct for every person on the planet well... you need to rethink that.
If that happened it would destroy the ENTIRE world economy almost over night!