BRICS. all part of Xrp everything is tied together all planned which tells me peace was broker awhile back. Lots of CEO’s stepping down lately from hedge funds and corporations either panic or forced still hard to tell. i hope people see it and benefit from xrp.

MAGA Patriot whose life has been turned upside down in recent days. The support and kindness I get here is incredible. Thanks, frens.
This proves the war is over and the central banks were defeated. No more Federal Reserve and Monopoly money worthless currency. I also read the US and Britain are quietly switching to gold backed currency and there are many others besides BRICS. This is part of the reason things are taking so long after the deep state has been defeated. Everything has to be put in place before the switch is flipped and the new USA takes the place of the US corporation that enslsved us. I have a few thousand XRP and I hope the value hits $1000. I wouldn't need NESARA money if that happens.

Everything that is playing out is still under the control of central banks all of this was planned decades ago. Nesara is not true but the debt is being wipe out globally through the bond market for a reset. Xrp will be a high amount over time the flip will be high enough to cause people to sell it and lose out on it’s highest price. if the flip doesn’t happen before midterms they will cheat to have a 50/50 split with democratis still in control until the new financial system starts nothing changes. Everything has to play out in order to catch them all. Common Sense has to be applied. Good can rule but evil will always be here until the time God says stop. This new system goes inline with the Bible it pushes the world closer to set up for the Antichrist for control hopefully that’s hundreds years away. i truly believe Trump will be back but when is a secret my guess only a handful know. All this i am telling you is much research and my opinion. Not here to be dishonest. God Bless