"If we could understand that the GAME IS OVER, that based on the rules of the game, the bad guys have already lost, the good guys have already won. Yes, there's moves left on the table, but those moves are being forced by the player that is going to win..." - Bill Wood
To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, To be blunt…. GAME OVER.
Laugh and/or Smile (mock) every time you see the keywords "Threat" and "War" in the news please https://t.me/QPatriot17/16121 Oh, and "Asteroids" re: The Sky Is Falling Projection Ascension To 5D: The
https://rumble.com/vuup6g-to-my-fellow-incarnated-extraterrestrials-to-be-blunt.-game-over..html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8I look forward to a future where I can learn the truths of the past.
Fascinating interview. Think this was done quite a few years ago.
mors vincit omnia - Never Give Up, Never surrender John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, ...