Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Precious Child of the Most High, still a little Ferrell
OK. But we are closing in on 3 years since the election was stolen AND nothing has happened to them. No one arrested. MSM hasn’t talked about it. We only hear about it on media that is not mainstream. We have elections coming up and they will steal them again AND nothing will happen. What good is it if we all know they stole/steal elections BUT nothing ever happens to them?
Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Precious Child of the Most High, still a little Ferrell
I REALLY hope you are right. However, I am just not seeing it. I am seeing people that voted for Trump being awakened to things they didn’t know before, but the far left will never change. Those people will NEVER be awaken to the political (both sides) corruption and evil.
20-30% will never awaken no matter how much proof of truth you give them. They are incapable of changing their views. They have been successfully subverted. Without God, Trump, Q and millions of Anons and digital soldiers, it never would have been possible at this pace. Many Millions more are gettiing new eyes to see and ears to hear. It's biblical.