Christ. Husband. Father. Patriot. A man living as free as possible. WWG1WGA.
Every morning I get up and review AU posts. It takes 10 minutes because it’s like 6 or 7 posts repeated over and over and over.
My wife and I follow each other, but we NEVER see each others posts unless we go to each others profile. I’m not saying that no one ever sees my posts, but seems weird. I mean, I follow over 1200 people, am I to believe most of them never post? I wonder what kind of algorythm is running this site.
Let’s be honest, one is being led down a path here just like any other site. I love these people out here and their posts, but I like to see everyones posts and thoughts, and not just the top 5 accounts.
I always go to profiles first due to the loop problem. In that loop are sometimes those I follow and sometimes ones I don't (not sure why that happens). Because I visit many profiles regularly, I feel like I'm littering up their notifications. I'm still grateful for AU and info from those I feel are real people (I may be fooled by some??). I do have to wonder though with some who have so many followers, why they don't have more "likes" and "reposts." I guess because like us, many aren't seeing their posts???