6 Large Banks to Participate In Pilot ‘Social Credit System’ for ‘Climate Scenario’

Six of the United States’ biggest banks will take part in a pilot climate scenario, or social credit system analysis exercise, the Federal Reserve Board recently announced.

The pilot scheme is designed to enhance firm’s ability to measure and manage “climate-related financial risks.”

The exercise, set to launch in 2023, will publish details of the climate, economic, and financial variables that make up climate scenario narratives.

Banks taking part in the exercise include:

Bank of America
Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase
Morgan Stanley
Wells Fargo.

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which is why Ive always banked at my little local bank… I dont support terrorists

We share very few sentiments with our government.

The world would be 1,000,000X better off without those 6 banks and the Federal Reserve.

a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.

and here we are.. we knew this was coming