Wonderfully, anons have started their own movement of helping each other move away from paying Big Pharma and Big Corpa to be poisoned, from their synthetic drugs, frankenfoods to fabreeze and fabric softeners they are making the populace weak and sick while taking their money.
Best way to cut the heads off these beasts is to stop feeding them. Stop buying their products, and look to replace with more natural/organic- It pays back in quality of life. The greatest wealth is health!!!
That said;
those that spend years learning real health all come to the same simple conclusions. Stellar health comes around more quickly when you learn it's more about what you take out more than what you put in because we all have been massively poisoned since birth.
It's about living a detox style or doing regular detoxes and minimizing the poisons that go in! Zeolites, charcoal, clay, green foods, herbs, water, sweating, sleep all play a key role in detoxing the poisons out!

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Good for those just starting out, they can skip right over them.
Of the list on the left, after I learned to label read and switched everything over, I never bought the names even on the left either, except for sometimes organic frozen fruit from Cascadian farms, still do and sometimes some 7th Generation cleaning products but I heard they donated to BLM so I make sure not to now.
When you learn to read labels and know what every ingredient is and does to the body, you feel on top of the world. They sneak their poisons in under all sorts of harmless-looking words and add stuff that simply doesn't;t need to be in the product.
Here is an example-
what clean brands of vitamind D3 does everyone like?

I use Pure Encapsulations because I like to get the 10,000 IUs in a tiny veg cap.
1 a day does keep the doctor away.
Like a wise man once said, there is no such thing as flu season, just low sun-low Vit D season.
ALSO, was a lifesaver for my mom and I read others, 30,000-40,000 IUs will stop shingles and it's pain. Keep at that dose until relief.

thank you!